中国杂技(acrobatics)是一门结合了身体力量和技巧的表演艺术。它是最受中国人欢迎的艺术形式之一。杂技在中国已经存在了两千多年。早在战国时期(the Warring States Period)就已经出现了杂技的雏形(embryonic form )。到了汉代,杂技或“百戏”进一步丰富了其内容和种类。古往今来,杂技表演融入了许多不同的表演艺术,例如传统戏剧、舞蹈和武术(martial art)的优点,作为回报,它也为后者提供了灵感。
The Chinese Acrobatics
The Chinese acrobatics is a performing art whichcombines physical strength and skills. It is one of themost popular art forms welcomed by the Chinesepeople. The acrobatic art has existed in China formore than two thousand years. As early as the Warring States Period, there appearedembryonic form of acrobatics. By the time of the Han Dynasty, the acrobatic art or “Baixi” wasfurther enriched both in contents and varieties. Acrobatic performances through the ages haveincorporated strong points of many different performing arts such as traditional operas, danceand martial art, and provided the latter with inspiration in return.
1.表演艺术:翻译为performing art。performing为形容词,意为“表演的,关于表演的”。
2.在中国已经存在了两千多年:翻译为has existed in Chinafor more than two thousand years。注意此处需采用现在完成时,表示句子中说到的“存在”是一种在过去已经开始并且持续到现在的状态。
3.古往今来:翻译为through the ages,为常用表达。
5.作为回报:翻译为in return,为常用表达。