比如:交通:traffic jam车:break down
这类考题的回答都是:I'd love to, I'd like to, Sounds great, Sounds a lot of fun...... but ......
注:be sold out 售光了 wear out 穿破了; be worn out (指东西)破旧;(指人)非常疲惫check out 借书;出院;彻底检查;退房 figure out 想清楚,弄明白;figure 数字;体形work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym)拼命锻炼make out 分辨出,辨认出help out 帮个大忙hang out 到处闲逛dine out 外出吃饭cook out 野餐 turn out 事实证明
注:1. 一句话后面加一个小尾巴,都是反义疑问句。核心是陈述句。2. sth. doesn't agree with sb. 指某人不适应某种情况。悲惨原则:
第一类,有关学习的考题基于学生身份去猜题。关于考试:考试难,时间紧,能否延期。作业难做。论文没做完。选课多。对老师评价:讲课boring,老师strict,作业多。She is one in a million. 当老师要退休的时候对老师的评价才会高。
第二类,生活。学生穷poor,要省钱。时时带着学生证。购物时一定要bargin。杂志不订应该去图书馆读,如:A: Maybe I oughtta subscribe(捐献,订购) to the magazine. B: Why don't you save the money and read it in the library?。在家看比赛没钱买票。
注:1. gas station 加油站。
2. 口语中的缩略:gas station = gasoline station 生活中也可说成 filling station。
gym = gymnasium 健身房
dorm = dormitory 宿舍
lab = laboratory 实验室(secretary 秘书)
ad = advertisement 广告
exhibit= exhibition 展览 (场景:博物馆museum)
ob = obvious 明显的
vet = veterinarian 兽医
3. 发音 /v/ /w/ very, visit, well, very well
/A/ gas, lab, ad, bad
We really had a bad time last night, you should've been there.