Section A:新闻听力2
To prepare for eventually sendingastronauts to-Mars, NASA began
taking applications Friday for fourpeople to live for a yearpin MarsJune Alpha. That's a 1700-square-foot Martian habitat, inside abuilding in Houston.【Q3】Thepaid volunteers will workin an
envirgment similar to Marsitheywill have lihited communicationswith family, restricted food, and
resources. NASA is planning threeexperiments with the first one
starting in the fall next year. Foodwill all be 【Q4】 ready-to-eat spacefood. Some plants will be grown butnot potatoes like in the movie TheMartian."We want to understandhow humans perform in them," saidlead scientists Grace Douglas,"We're looking at Mars realisticsituations. The applicatian process
opened Eriday, and they're notseeking just anybody. The
requirements are strict, including amaster's degree in a science,
engineering or math field or pilotexperience. Only American citizensor permanent US residents areacceptable. Applicants must be
between 30 and 55, and in goodphysical health."Attitude is key,"said former Canadian astronautChris Hadfield. He said theparticipants need to be supercompetent, resourceful, and notrely on other people to feelcomfortable.
Question Three: What does NASArequire the paid volunteers to ldo?
Question Four: What will theparticipants in the project eat?