Section C:短文1
Greater Internet access correlatesdirectly with improved health care,
education, and economic development.People living in rural areas, howeyer,lagbehind in online use, which limits theiraccess to government services, banking,and job opportunities. Nowhere is thischallenge clearer than in Africa. MostAfricans live in rural areas that are toughto wire for internet access. Now,@16]some phone eompanies are trying tointroduce internet-ready phones intoAfrican markets. Certain companies
have started selling simple smartphonesfor only $20. Previously the lowest pricehad been around $40 well out of reachfor many people. These devices are
powered by software from the giantelectronics company KaioS
technologies limited. Most companiesare trying to make phones ever morepowerful and capable, but KaiOS wentthe other way.[Q17] It made every effortto keep the essential capabilities of
smartphones, to, strip ou Co况ihnd
preservesbattery life for people wholikely have inadequate access to
electricity:The-KaiOS devices offer analternative to the more expensive
models that remain out of reach ofmany Africans and contribute to thedigital divide. The body of KaiOS phonesis as basic as it gets. Instead .of atouchscreen,f8] they'reCsqhtliolledwith an ofd-school keypad. They're
designed for 3g networks because 4gcoverage doesn't reach two-thirds ofAfrica's customers. In total, KaiOS
phonesiare made from about $15 worthof parts, while Apple's top-of-the-lineiPhone has $390 worth of stuff.
Question 16 What are a number ofphone companies trying to do in Africa?
Question 17 How do KaiOS smartphonesdiffer from smartphones of most othercompanies?
Question 18 What are KaiOSsmartphones equipped with?