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道长领衔,直播"2024年6月六级答案解析",直播时间16日 19:00-20:00。【领取】
Fans have enjoyed great popularity among Chinese sinceancient times.However,now they are regarded less as toolsof relievingheat andkeeping cool but more as art works forpeople to appreciate.Many fans feature graceful design andfine workmanship as well as exquisite pictures of landscape,flowers,birdsand figures,with superb artistic value.Manyfamous Chinese painters and calligraphers prefer to havepoems or paintings on the fans to demonstrate their artistictaste.Fans are often given to others as gifts to express ourgood wishes and sincere feelings.Nowadays,the practicalfunctions of fans have considerable decreased,but theystillplay a significant role in traditional Chinese culture as a cul-tural symbol and artistic form.