Part Ⅴ
这是一篇议论文,议论文通常由论点、论据、结论构成。本篇作文要求考生要说明下岗人员再就业是一个严肃的社会问题,是目前的社会热点,并根据 这一现象挖掘出产生这一问题的经济原因和社会原因,在此基础上提出解决问题的方针、方法来解决这一热点和难点,从而得出正确的结论。文章的第一段论述许多人下岗是一个社会现象,这些人员正面临着一个严肃问题——再就业。第二段论述产生大量人员下岗的社会和经济原因。文章的第三段提出解决这一热点的方针和方法:即转变就业观念,创造良好的社会环境,争取最后胜利。这种三段式的议论文写作要注意首尾呼应,段与段之间的紧密衔接,一环扣一环。
Sample Writing
Rechoice of Professions—A Social Problem
Nowadays more and more persons are out of work. They are called laid off personnel. They are now confronted with the difficulty of rechoice of professions. People may doubt why there are so many persons becoming unemployed. Will they be able to be employed again? How will they adapt themselves to the changed social environment? Is it necessary for them to alter their views of obtaining employment? To solve all these problems, we should help them have a clear understanding of the present situation, change their views of rechoice of professions, build up a firm confidence in obtaining employment again.
China's economy has grown rapidly in the past decades since the adoption of the policy of reforms and opening to the outside world. Investment from abroad has taken root in China's economy. Hightechnology has been applied in various fields and great changes have taken place in China's socialist economic structure. This is a law of economic development. It is admitted that the development of economy will eventually bring about a high rate of unemployment — a serious social problem.
The problem is not why they are out of jobs, but how to help them overcome difficulties and find jobs again as soon as possible. First, the government should create more opportunities for them to be employed. Second, they should change their views of choice of work. The idea that only working in governmental offices or in big factories can be regarded as a success of being employed must be changed. Third, to be willing to do hard work, dirty work and even the work that others are reluctant to do. In a word, all of us are obliged to express our concern, love and support for them and help them get over their difficulties to win success.