“贺岁片”(New Year films)一词是由香港传入内地的。贺岁片是指在元旦、春节期间上映的电影。欢乐和放松是观众在逢年过节、尤其是春节期间普遍的追求,这就决定了贺岁片的风格:轻松、幽默,具有强烈的观赏性和娱乐性。因此贺岁片多与百姓节日期间喜庆的生活和习俗相关,形式多是娱乐性、消遣性较强的喜剧片和动作片。贺岁片不仅为节日增加了喜庆气氛,还带给观众不断的笑声和颇多愉悦。
The phrase New Year films was spread to mainlandfrom Hong Kong.New Year films refer to filmsshown/released during the New Year or the SpringFestival.It is a common pursuit of the audience to behappy and relaxed during festivals,especially theSpring Festival.This decides the style of New Year films:easy,humorous and highly valuable inappreciation and entertainment.So New Year films are related to people's happy life andcustoms during festivals,and most of them are recreational comedies and action movies.NewYear films not only add joyous atmosphere to festivals,but also bring continuous laughter andmuch pleasure to the audience.