The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctiveChinese features and enjoys a growing popularity inthe international world of high fashion.Easy to slipon and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits wellthe female Chinese figure.Its neck is high,collarclosed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on seasons andtastes.The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest and a fitting waist.The beautyof the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, it can be worneither on casual or formal occasions.In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quietcharm, elegance and neatness.
1.旗袍是独具中国特色的女性服饰,在高端时尚的国际世界中日益流行:“独具中国特色”可译为with distinctiveChinese features,与distinctive搭配的常用短语还有:distinctive features (独特特征)、distinctivesmell (独特气味)、 distinctive capabilities (特殊能力),“日益流行”可译为enjoy a growing popularity,这是英语中常用的短语;“高端时尚”可译为high fashion。
2.上身容易,穿着舒适,旗袍特别适合中国女性的身材:“上身容易”和“穿着舒适”分别可译为easy to slip on和comfortable to wear,两个结构为对等结构,其中slip on就有“一下子穿上”的意思;"特别适合”可译为fitwell, fit作动词,表示“适合,合身”fit作形容词可表示“健康的”,如:keep fit(保持健康);“中国女性的身材”可译为the female Chinese figure。
3.它的好处在于可以使用多种材质,并以不同长度制作,因此在休闲和正式场合都可穿着:“它的好处在于”可翻译为The beauty of the cheongsam is that,后跟一个表语从句,在这里beauty表示“好处,优点”;表语从句中可以使用多种材质,并以不同长度制作”可用过去分词和介词短语来翻译,即made of differentmaterials and to varying lengths;提到“不同”,最常用的词无疑是different,但这里用varying更为合适,different强调的是“差异”,而varying强调的是“多样化”;“休闲场合”可译为casual occasions; “正式场合”可译为formal occasions。