gym 健身房
overweight=out of shape 胖 dieting 节食 lose weight 减肥 slim 苗条
larger waist 腰有些肥(可以指人也可以指服装) physical training 身体锻炼
weight-lifting 举重
Job hunting 求职 (长对话重点)
recommendation 推荐 (11-12)
short list 候选人名单(2010-12) job vacancy 职位空缺(2010-12)
job applicant candidate 候选人(多次考到) apply for application (2008/09/10)
Position/post (多次考到。职位) resume (简历,注意发音,多次考到)
recruit (连续考到。招聘) reputation(多次考到)
resign (辞职,多次考到)
benefit (package) (福利,两次考到) paid vacation (带薪假期)
social security (美国的社会保险) relocation expenses (异地补偿费用)
phased retirement (08-12 阶段性退休) be laid off (解雇 09-12考点)
hotel consultant (08-6 酒店咨询) sales manager(08-12 销售经理)
Administrative work (08-12 行政工作)
the job will involve much train travel (工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会)
tell me about your present job...
There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager’s job. An finally
it was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified(合格).
I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled.(我听说你升职了,你开心死了吧)
not really, the new office is huge,but the work load has doubled.(也不见得,新办公室挺大的,但是工作量也翻倍了)
2009-12 Aren‘t you disappointed that you didn’t get the promotion?
2010-06 19.C) It enables him to apply theory to practice 能够让他把理论应用于实际
22.A) Getting along well with colleagues 与同事和睦相处
2010-12 25 C) Send in a written applicaon as soon as possible 尽快发来书面申请
2011-6 25 B what does the man say contribute the success of the business?(男士说是什么造就了他商业的成功)
2011-12 what position in the company appeals to you most? 职位最吸引你的是什么?
2012-12 he is tied up in meetings. 他忙于开会