四大发明:the four great inventions of ancient China
火药:gunpowder 印刷术:printing
造纸术:paper-making 指南针:the compass
文房四宝”:Four Treasures of the Study
笔:writing brush
墨:ink stick 纸 :paper 砚:ink slab
中国画:traditional Chinese painting
水墨画:Chinese brush painting
雕 刻 :sculpture 泥人:clay figure 武术:martial arts
京剧:Peking opera 昆曲:Kunqu opera 相声:cross talk
中药:traditional Chinese medicine
中国结:Chinese knot
唐装:Tang suit
四合院:courtyard house
红茶:black tea
绿茶:green tea
功夫茶:Gongfu tea
火锅:hot pot
四大名著:four major classical novels
《三国演义》:The Romance of Three Kingdoms
《红楼梦》:Dream of the Red Mansions
《水浒传》:Outlaw of the Marshes
《西游记》:Journey to the West
四书:The Four Books
《大学》:The Great Learning
《中庸》:The Doctrine of the Mean
《论语》:Analects of Confucius
《孟子》:The Mencius
五经:The Five Classics
《诗经》:The Book of Songs
《书经》:The Book of History
《易经》:The Book of Changes
《礼记》:the Book of Rites
《春秋》:The Sping and Autumn Annals
孟子:Mencius 老子:Lao Tzu 孙子:Sun Tzu
庄子:Chuang Tzu
儒学:Confucian School
孔庙:Temple of Confucius
《孙子兵法》:The Art of War
春秋时期:the Spring and Autumn Period
战国时期:the Warring States Period 隋唐时期:the Sui and Tang dynasties 明清时期:Ming and Qing dynasties 秦始皇:the First Emperor of Qin
君主:monarch 皇帝:emperor
皇太后:Empress Dowager
丞相:prime minister
忠臣:loyal minister
中华文明:Chinese civilization
丝绸之路:the Silk Road
历史遗迹:historical site
文化遗产:cultural heritage
文物:cultural relics
科举制:imperial examination for recruiting civil servants