A staycation refers to a period in which an individualor a family stays at home for relaxing or takes tripsto nearby tourist attractions.There are variousreasons for people to take a staycation,like tightfamily budgets,rising travel costs or having veryyoung kids.For the majority of Chinese people,overcrowded tourist sites,congestion onexpressways and city roads during holidays are the two major factors contributing to theirstaycations.Common activities of a staycation include entertaining friends at home,visitinglocal parks and museums,and attending local festival colebfations.A staycation can be rich andcolorful,and it will become a now trend for vacation.
2. “如家庭预算紧张、出游成本不断攀升,或者孩子太小”具体列举人们在家中度假的原因,翻译“紧张”、“攀升"和“太小”时可采用“形容词+名词”的结构,即like tight familybudgets, rising travel costs or having very youngkids,比较符合英文表达习惯。
3.在“节假日期间景区人山人海,高速公路、城市道路拥堵,是促使他们家中度假的两大主要原因”一句中,“景区人山人海”和“高速公路、城市道路拥堵”都是主谓短语,可理解成“人山人海的景区”和“拥堵的高速公路、 城市道路”分别译作overcrowded tourist sites和congestion on expressways and city roads,符合英文中多用名词表达的语言特点。