假日/节日 holiday
假期 vacation
正月十五 the fifteenth/15th day of the first/1st month of the lunar calendar (农历)
风俗/习俗 custom
惯例 convention
有差别 vary vi.
eg. Cooking skills and ingredients vary greatly in different places of China.
场合 occasion n.
偶尔的 occasional adj.
团聚/聚会 gather vi.
(求你不要写成together, together 是副词或形容词)
团圆 reunion n. / gathering n.
每年的 annual adj.
清除厄运 sweep away ill fortune
好运 good luck/ fortune
对联 couplets
主题 themes
包含 include vt.
放鞭炮 lighting firecrackers
红包 money in red envelops
走亲访友 visit relatives and friends