2022年6月英语四级考试已经结束了,新东方网四六级频道为您带来《2022年6月大学英语四级仔细阅读第二套答案》供各位考生参考!我们将以更及时的发布本期英语四级试卷、四级答案、以及四级试题解析,请关注【官方微信:四六级小助手 (微信号:koolearncet)】,了解最新信息。
46.A)Most employees think positively of it.
47.B) It does much harm to employee loyalty
48.C)It has much to do with whom employees interact with.
49.B)Most of them explored new job opportunities.
50.C)Acknowledge employees achievements through social
51.B)Shrinking financial resources
52.D)Cultivating relationships with peers and teachers
53.A) It may have potential disadvantages.
54.D)Prepare students to be competitive in the future.
55.A) It lacks humanity.