Section A:新闻听力3
[Q5]A JapanesenMayor apologizedThurseayfor hiting the Olympicgold eda[bfa softball player.
Nagoya mayor Takashekawamurahad praised athlete MiuGoto
During a public media event. Heasked her to put the metal aroundhis neck Kawamura, then a bit intoit. Biting a metal in front of
journatists 'and photographers hasbecome a common pose for
Olympic medalists. However,jit isonly for the winners themselves, notothers. I'm really sorry that I hurtthe treasurer of the gold medalist,Kawamura told reporters Thursday.
[Q6]The mayor said the metal wasundamaged, though he offered topay for the cost of a new one. Goto,
however, has accepted the
International Olympic Committee'soffer of a replacement, according to
Japanese media reports. The scenebroadcast on television promptedthousands of complaints to City
Hall. 5ome Olympianssaid theytreat their medals as treasures, andthat it was disrespectful and
unacceptable for Kawamura to bite
one.'I would cry if that happened tome', said another athlete. Now hesaid to Koto.'I handle my own goldmedal so gently that I would notscratch it.'
Question 5 What does the newsreport say about the Japanesemayor to Kashi Kawamura?
Question 6 What did Mayor.KashiCKawamura offer to do?
Question 7 What did some
Olympians say they would do withtheir medals?