1. The Metropolitan Transit Authority in New York City was established as the state agency with overall responsibility for running the buses, subways, and commuter trains.
(A) special (B) limited (C) general
2. MBA study in the USA gives Janet the opportunity to know a foreign culture and learn about advanced management.
(A) money (B) chance (C) desire
3. Today's "miracle drugs" have not only lengthened the lifespan of the average individual; they have also enabled people who otherwise would be invalids(病人)to live normal lives.
(A) if not wise
(B) if unprotected
(C) in other circumstances
4. Wheat and the other grains, owing to their remarkable nutritional qualities, have been the cornerstones of people's diets around the globe.
(A) similar to (B) due to (C) eligible for
5. Normally, division of labor leads to increased output of goods and making possible an increase in the standard of living of great numbers of people
(A) advertising (B) profit (C) production
6. Most labor unions insist on being the sole representative of particular group of employers.
(A) fastidious (B) biased (C) certain