1.When the first all-purpose computer was completed in 1946, no one could have foreseen the enormous impact it would have in the years ahead.
(A) dangerous (B) historical (C)tremendous
2.More than 89 of the buildings in Annapolis, Maryland, were erected before the Revolutionary War.
(A) planned (B) leveled (C) constructed
3.The Imperial Palace of China, now one of the world's greatest museums was once the estate of the Chinese emperor.
(A) foundation (B) museum (C) property
4.Biological oceanographers study how organisms live in the sea and how various species evolve and adapt to their environment.
(A) swim (B) reproduce (C) develop
5.Potential computer buyers have come to expect versatility, energy
efficiency, and simplicity as essential components of new equipment.
(A) necessary (B) nominal (C) suspicious