1. Older citizens in the United States vote more regularly than younger ones, particularly when local and state issues are being considered.
(A) cast their ballots
(B) run for office
(C) criticize the government
2. Because it symbolized strength, the oak(橡树.橡木)was traditionally worshiped and had numerous mythological associations.
(A) bought (B) transported (C) adored
3.The best country songs are those that express an emotion that is likely to make a listener weep.
(A)smile (B) think(C)cry
4.Because of its vivid yellow, black and orange coloring, the emperor penguin stands out (显眼的)against the usually bleak landscape of its habitat.
(A) odd (B) pale(C) bright
5.The Californian redwoods, the tallest trees in the world, are known for their ability to withstand fire, insects and disease.
(A) receive(B)resist (C) attack
6.Under the Housing Act of 1977, British local authorities must in certain circumstances provide housing for homeless families as part of the government welfare program.
(A) benefit (B) calmness (C) grace