Globalization is the process of internationalintegration. It originated from the exchange ofinternational views, products, ideas, and otheraspects of culture. As a new trend of economic andsocial development, globalization has presentedChina with both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, China is becoming the center ofthe world manufacturing and playing an increasingly important role in the international arena.On the other hand, we are also confronted with the problem of how to inherit our excellentcultural traditions as well as develop our economy in the process of globalization.
1.它发端于国际间视角、产品、理念以及其他文化领域的互换:“发端于”可用 originate from表达;“国际间视角”可翻译为international view; “互换”可翻译为 exchange。
2.世界制造业中心:可翻译为the center of the world manufacturing。
3.我们也面临着如何在全球化进程中既要发展经济,又要传承优秀文化传统的问题:“面临”可译为be confronted with;“全球化进程中”可翻译为in the process of globalization;“传承优秀文化传统”可翻译为 inherit our excellent cultural traditions。